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If you are a new grad looking for an internship or full-time position at a top-tier tech company, this article is for you.


If you know someone who’s currently in the process of looking for a new developer job, send them this article.


I summarize some of the top mistakes I see as a career coach, and as someone who’s been on both sides of the metaphorical interviewing “table”.


These tips have helped me land job offers from .

这些技巧帮助我获得了工作机会这些工作 。

Avoiding these mistakes is critical because, if you are making any of these mistakes today, chances are your resume is not getting picked up by the right people.


Even worse, you’re not getting the opportunity that you deserve.


If you prefer to watch this article instead, I made a whole video about it here:


错误1:绒毛过多,东西不足 (Mistake 1: Too much fluff, not enough stuff)

Many first-time candidates spend too much time on their resume!


What I mean specifically is that they focus mainly on the formatting, the color, the fonts, and the layout of the resume.


They’re so focused on the formatting of the resume that they can’t see the forest for the trees. They don’t realize that their resume lacks the right content for the jobs they want.

他们非常关注简历的格式,以至于看不到森林。 他们没有意识到自己的简历缺乏适合他们想要的工作的内容。

Why’s that important, you ask? In today’s market, trying to be a software engineer is a highly competitive industry. There were 26 million developers by the end of 2019, and we're expecting to have 27.7 million developers by 2023, according to this .

你问为什么这么重要? 在当今的市场中,试图成为一名软件工程师是一个竞争激烈的行业。 根据这篇 ,到2019年底,开发人员达到2600万,我们预计到2023年将有2770万开发人员。

And it makes sense why many people covet jobs in the software engineering industry: they often boast a  , amazing health benefits, unlimited PTO, free snacks and food, among other perks.

为什么许多人渴望在软件工程行业中找到工作是有道理的:他们经常以 ,惊人的健康福利,无限的PTO,免费的零食和食物以及其他福利而自豪。

In a competitive, red-hot market, the thing you need to do to stand out is to focus on the actual content of your resume. What that means specifically is to pick up “meaty” or interesting projects that will hone your technical chops and beef up your portfolio.

在竞争激烈的市场中,要脱颖而出,需要做的就是将重点放在简历的实际内容上。 具体而言,这意味着选择“肉类”或有趣的项目,这些项目将磨练您的技术能力并增强您的产品组合。

Here’s of a web crawler that I built to help me apply to companies and also beef up my resume.

这是我构建的一个网络爬虫 ,可以帮助我向公司提出申请,还可以增强履历。

Strong technical skills/experience makes you a much stronger and attractive candidate. Many fresh grads try to pad up their resume with non-tech related experience like social clubs.

强大的技术技能/经验使您成为更强大,更有吸引力的候选人。 许多应届毕业生试图通过社交俱乐部等与科技无关的经验来补充自己的简历。

I don’t think those are unnecessary. Non-tech related experiences are valuable insights into your character. But if you’re trying to apply as a software engineer, what’s most important here is the technical content.

我认为这些不是不必要的。 与技术无关的经验是对角色的宝贵见解。 但是,如果您想申请软件工程师,那么这里最重要的是技术内容。

Companies want to see your technical skills, whether you can write code, and if you can deliver a given assignment and get stuff done.


错误2:教程猪 (Mistake 2: Tutorial Hogs)

The second most common mistake I see is that many people spend too much time on tutorials with no clear goals in mind.


They’re the typical Coursera/EdX/<insert-any-online-academy-here> warriors who sign up for every Android, Swift, JavaScript, React course available and work through them diligently.

他们是典型的Coursera / EdX / <insert-any-online-academy-here>战士,他们会注册每一个可用的Android,Swift,JavaScript,React课程,并努力地进行工作。

They know every syntax of every programming language out there. They can chat religiously about MVC vs MVVC. They know what’s “in” and what’s “out”.

他们知道每种编程语言的所有语法。 他们可以虔诚地谈论MVC与MVVC。 他们知道什么是“内”和什么是“外”。

But the truth is usually not so rosy — about a few weeks into one course, they give up.


They have learned the syntax of the language and how to set up the framework. But they haven’t actually built anything substantial using the knowledge that they have gained.

他们已经学习了该语言的语法以及如何设置框架。 但是他们实际上并没有利用所获得的知识来构建任何实质性的东西。

Now that is a problem because what happens is that you have a lot of “fringe” knowledge (things that few people know a lot about). But you are not able to take that knowledge and apply it.

现在这是一个问题,因为发生的事情是您拥有很多“附带”知识(很少有人知道的东西)。 但是您无法利用这些知识并加以应用。

In the industry there’s something that we call “applied intelligence.” Can you apply your knowledge to a new domain? Can you take your knowledge about Python, for example, and use that to automate your finances via a Python script?

在行业中,我们称之为“应用智能”。 您可以将您的知识应用于新领域吗? 例如,您能否利用自己对Python的知识,并利用它通过Python脚本自动完成财务工作?

If you can do so, then you’re presenting yourself as a holistic, technical-oriented problem solver. And that’s what a lot of companies are looking for.

如果可以,那么您将自己展示为一个完整的,面向技术的问题解决者。 这就是许多公司在寻找的东西。

错误三:树木迷失森林 (Mistake 3: Missing the forest for the trees)

Why limit your job search to only San Francisco or Seattle? Or even the US for that matter?

为什么将求职限制在旧金山或西雅图? 甚至美国在这件事上?

Most people make the mistake of applying only to the companies that they’ve heard of, like Google, Facebook, or Twitter.


But the problem is this: there are only a handful of top companies in the industry with even fewer job opportunities.


The truth is you have a very limited set of openings, with a lot of competition from the large pool of applicants all over the world. The chances of getting an interview or even landing a job become extremely thin for the average person.

事实是,您的职位空缺非常有限,来自世界各地的大量申请人都在竞争。 对于普通人来说,参加面试甚至找到工作的机会变得极为渺茫。

My recommendation is to expand your horizons and search beyond just the companies you’ve heard of.


Instead of just focusing on those top tech companies, open up your eyes and look across startups, midsize companies, and non-tech companies because those are the best opportunities right now.


Starting somewhere small and building your experience along the way is a great way to bootstrap your career. It doesn’t really matter how much you get paid initially or what the title of the position really is, because once you get your foot in the door, you can learn and improve yourself to prepare for the job you want.

从小处开始,并逐步积累经验,是引导您的职业的好方法。 这其实并不重要,你做了多少最初支付或什么位置的标题确实是,因为一旦你在门你的脚,你可以学习和提高自己,为你想要的工作做准备。

That’s exactly what I did when I graduated from college — I didn’t have any job lined up. I then wrote a script that helped me apply to different companies, and finally a startup took a gamble on me and gave me a job. You can read more about my story , and how I finally landed at Twitter.

那正是我大学毕业时所做的-我没有任何工作要排队。 然后,我写了一个脚本,帮助我申请了不同的公司,最后,一家初创公司对我赌博,给了我一份工作。 您可以详细了解我的故事,以及我最终如何进入Twitter。

错误4:正确的凭据,错误的工作 (Mistake 4: Right Credentials, Wrong Job)

My best analogy for this: would you buy a shovel to build a door? Most likely no, so why would you apply as a machine learning specialist if you are a front-end engineer?

我最好的比喻是:你会买铁锹建门吗? 很有可能没有,如果您是前端工程师,为什么还要申请机器学习专家?

This baffles me as I’ve seen many great resumes come through the door for the wrong positions. Most of my friends have seen this happen as well. And the unfortunate truth is that, most companies will throw your resume in the trash if it’s not the right fit.

这让我感到困惑,因为我已经看到许多出色的简历从错误的位置进门。 我的大多数朋友也看到了这种情况。 不幸的事实是, 如果不合适大多数公司都会将您的简历扔进垃圾桶。

Some of my friends shyly confided in me that they’re hoping that the HR department would slot their resume in the right hands somehow.


I’m sorry, but they won’t.


If you’re a software engineer and you’re trying to apply for a machine-learning positioned, ideally your resume should have some relevant experience related to machine learning. Either you should have taken some internship projects or have some machine learning related experience at your current job.

如果您是软件工程师,并且正在尝试申请机器学习职位,那么理想情况下,您的简历应该具有与机器学习相关的一些相关经验。 您应该已经参加了一些实习项目,或者在当前工作中拥有一些与机器学习相关的经验。

My personal recommendation in this case is to:


  1. Figure out what skill sets you have and how your skill sets match up with the position

  2. Get a friend to review your resume with you and see where the gaps are


If you don’t have a friend (sad but OK), then ping me  — I can’t promise I’ll find you a friend, but I can help review your resume.

如果您没有朋友(很难过但可以),请 ping我-我不能保证会找到您的朋友,但是我可以帮助您查看简历。

继续完善您的简历。 并继续申请。 (Keep refining your résumé. And keep applying.)

If you found this article useful, join my newsletter where I write monthly about software engineering, technical interviews, and technologies . Follow me on .

如果您发现本文有用,加入我的通讯,我每个月写软件工程,技术面试和技术 。 在关注我。



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